Monday, June 25, 2007

Sunset over Worcester

Sunset over Worcester
Originally uploaded by >kr8<

Looking at the Flickr photos in the Worcester group, I found this excellent sunset by kr8. Check it out for rare butterflies too, though not in Worcester.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Monday, June 18, 2007

Great Pictures of Worcester

Worcester Festival fireworks
AJK Photography has a really good Flickr site with 16 sets of Worcester photos as of today, including Fort Royal, fireworks and floods. Not only that, but sets for Malvern, London, Nature, Buildings and Churches. The photo here appears with his permission.

1888 Large Scale Maps on the Net

Maps of Worcestershire at various large scale are available and easy to navigate at the British History Online site. I did try putting a sample here, but they have some way of preventing it!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Latest on the Park Animals

The May Wildlife List has a few new entries. A Great Spotted Woodpecker pair nested in the oak tree in the centre of the park and raised some offspring this month. They all appear to have fledged now. Details from and your details to Duncan Sutcliffe (leaving out the xx's which are there to help prevent junk emails)as usual. I haven't got a suitable photo to hand at present, but I've taken some elsewhere last week. When I've downloaded it from my camera, I'll post it here.
Update Later: My SD Card was faulty and I managed to lose all my pictures (around 200) from a trip to Lundy Island and Watersmeet, Lynmouth. Talk about the one that got away! The Song Thrush picture was taken in Craven Arms at Easter.
Blue Tit
Coal Tit
Feral Pigeon
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Tit
Grey Squirrel
Herring Gull
House Mouse
House Sparrow
Pied Wagtail
Song Thrush
Wood Pigeon